A Domain name is unique name used to identify a website or any other information reserved on the internet. It is used to identify you or your business on the internet. It is what appears in the address bar when visiting a website.
Domain names are very cheap to register. They however need to be renewed every year or so. If the domain name is not renewed before the renewal period expires, the domain name becomes available to anybody.
Find below our different domain name packages and get started.
Your website needs to be published online, before it can be viewed on the internet.
To put the website up, you will need a hosting account. This is where all pages of your website will be added to, in order to be made available to internet users.
When someone enters your domain name into the address field of his or her browser, the information on your web hosting account is loaded and can then viewed by the person.
TesHost offers various plans suitable for anybody, ranging from plan with very little space to very huge plans. You can also upgrade your plan at any time, if you think the current hosting package you have is too small.
Search for your dream domain now